Saturday, September 09, 2006

Physical Space Issues, Infant Strollers, and Related Safety Problems

Here is another form of unfairness to the traveling public on CTA:

Individuals taking up space with big items!

Just a few examples:

  • Shopping carts (loaded to overflowing)
  • Huge boxes
  • Oversized suitcases (we're talking more than what's appropriate)
  • All other forms of oversized or bulky things
CTA and Pace drivers are instructed to tell riders with these kinds of items to assure that they are stowed properly. Some enforce it, some don't. There are occaisions when people with such items in excess quantity are not to even be allowed on the bus. Too many times these persons are allowed to travel anyway!

Is there nowhere to draw the line? Does this imply laziness, or just simple weariness on part of the drivers who are sick and tired of being abused by passengers when challenged in this respect? We think it's both!

Elderly ladies with loaded shopping carts who are also using a walker while traveling alone, yuppies who decide it's a good idea to bring their huge boxes on from one of the many expensive retail stores they frequent, Parents with loads of kids who don't bother to keep their kids seated, high schoolers that can't stay in their seats while screaming and fighting, homeless people who's endless piles of belongings take up half the front of the bus along with their foul body odor....the list is endless!

All of these people have the unfettered right to use the CTA, it's a truth that can't be interfered with. Afterall, it is public transit.

Moving right on to another disaster waiting to happen: Strollers with infants or other small children. CTA policy says strollers are supposed to be folded up upon the parent(s) boarding.
We see this issue from two perspectives....CTA has a concern with strollers being an issue because they can block aisles and contribute to passengers tripping and such.

We see it this way too: Anyone under the age of five riding as a vehicle passenger is mandated by Illinois law to be restrained for their own safety in a car seat, booster seat, et al.
Our point is multi-fold in regards to this. If parents take the kid(s) out of the stroller and fold the darned thing up and there is an accident....the kid(s) can fly out of the parent's arms resulting in nasty or fatal injuries!

If the kid or kids remain in the stroller and an accident occurs, they are in the stroller safely strapped in, which lessens the likelihood of serious or fatal injuries. We can easily conceive of an accident where people could be injured regardless. Let's at least provide protection for the kids!
Illinois law also says kids are supposed to be in seatbelts while a passenger in a vehicle....would it kill the CTA to install seatbelts and enforce it for the young ones?


Blogger Ruzanna said...

My baby is 4 months old, and during these months I’ve read almost everything concerning babies trying to do all the best for my kid. Here I’m sharing an information about car safety seats, which worried me a lot.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Jim Watkins said...

Before you quote a 'law', try and make sure you are right. In vehicles such as buses the 'Anyone under the age of five riding as a vehicle passenger is mandated by Illinois law to be restrained for their own safety in a car seat, booster seat, et al.'
Your statement does not apply.
Priority Seating is intended under Federal Regulations for people with disabilities - Period

7:47 PM  

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