Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Flu Season!

OK, Sound-Off has sat here lifeless for awhile. We sincerely apologize to anyone who reads and actually likes us. Flu season has kept this blog inactive....oh, the wonderful flu!!!

However, we have a new look that we said was coming soon.

More articles are pending such as the CTA Budget mess. When the word "mess" is used, we mean a REAL MESS! We want to get it right, so lots of research is happening to bring out the true facts.

In the meantime, use this as an open place to post anything you want to see and so on.
We're back and we're better!


Blogger therapydoc said...

All I can say is that I LOVE what they're doing to the Brown line (Rockwell was fab, now we're getting rehabbed on Francisco).

Just wanted to say that.

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you're feeling better

2:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you be interested in joining up with some people to start a Chicago news/arts blog? I'm trying to get an idea off the ground.

Please feel free to e-mail me at d-honigman@northwestern.edu.


2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of the clout hacks that process the cta bus card has been arrested at area 4. it seems this woman would give her boyfriend the credit card info of various riders.

Huberman is doing a major cover up and does not want the public to know. The woman political sponsor also was heavly involved in the cover up do some research.

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: On Thursday a CTA employee was in Area 4 under arrest for identity theft. She was charged Friday with felony identity theft for stealing the credit card numbers of riders paying for their monthly fare card with credit cards. Gave the numbers to her boyfriend and they then went and bought all kinds of nice things for themselves. While she was up in Area 4, we had a "reverend" arrive and demand to speak to her. The bosses told him no, so he then pulls out his CTA identification. He's a CTA board member, and he got her the job. The best part, Huberman himself called Area 4 and asked that this be handled quietly. Did not want any bad publicity since he's now asking for more money for the CTA from riders and taxpayers. After the holy man/CTA board member started making more waves about talking with his wayward subject phone calls were made to the CTA bigshots by Area 4 bosses. They told the CTA to get this guy out of Area 4 or this arrest was going on the 24 log and there would be a press conference. He walked out shortly after that and it was not put on the 24 log which is for 'newsworthy events". A CTA employee stealing from riders gets charged with a felony while the CTA is asking for more tax money and that's not newsworthy?

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Chicagoist just got off the phone with Gregory P. Longhini, assistant secretary of the Chicago Transit Board, who wanted to give us the CTA's version of the rumor about CTA board member Rev. Charles E. Robinson's visit to Miranda Smith, the CTA employee accused of identity theft.

"He went over [to the police station] at the request of her grandmother," Longhini says, adding that Robinson is Smith's grandmother's pastor. "It is common for a minister to be asked to help someone in jail. Is it common for someone to flash a CTA [board] ID? No. But he goes to the station all the time in his role as a minister." Longhini says that Robinson had "no idea" that Smith's arrest had anything to do with her employment at the CTA, and that when Robinson found out, he left the station. Longhini says he thinks Robinson "referred" Smith to the CTA to help her get a job, but that she went through the same hiring process as anyone else.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is thank God for medicine

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to check out our Debt Relief services!!

4:17 PM  

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