Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Time Well Wasted (Or, how CTA contributes to you losing money on your paycheck)

From the comments section posted by a very like - minded reader who is also very intelligent......

leomemorial didn't know it, and neither did anyone else, but this story has been brewing here for a LONG TIME!

My commute time from the Midway Airport area to Belmont/Elston is 4 hours per day. I'm aware of bad weather, break downs, etc that effect public transportation and allot time for that. Why do I have to go into the downtown area to get to this side of the city? It makes no sense. Not to mention the LAZY CTA workers at these train stations.

At the upper platform @ Clark/Lake, I have to fight door blockers on a daily basis, then fight my way to the door yet again.I have seen Chicago Cops @ the Midway Terminal constantly having to help travelers with the ticket machine because CTA does not. If that's the case, the CPD cops need to get paid double duty.

These trains/buses never run on time. At night, I have to get off the Blue Line and run up 3 flights under 30 seconds to catch the Orange Line. I think I broke Michael Johnson's sprint record. Daley needs to get RID of the CTA President Frank K and replace him with Carole Brown!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for the long rant...

TOTAL miles to get to work from Midway to Belmont/Elston: 16.67

TOTAL time to take the CTA to get there: almost 2 hours

TOTAL miles to get from Union Station to Fox Lake: 54.60

TOTAL time to take the METRA to get there: 1 hour and 25 minutes

Because, having to use the Chicago CTA is just PRICELESS muwahahahaaaa!

leomemorial....your contribution itself is PRICELESS!!!

CTA simply does not care about the time it riders spend on their transit system.
Ever see "Money Train"? That's Frank K! It's true!

Just as long as the herds keep pumping dollars and coins into Frank's fare machines, and Daley gets to use it for his never ending beautification projects all over the city, instead of beautifying the city from the inside.....the time we spend and the money we lose from our wages for being late / tardy is of no concern or consequence to them.

Wouldn't it be nice if the media knew the unending reasons for the slow service, the inability to adhere to any schedule whatsoever, the reasons for lack of improvement in routing / connections between bus and train, and the silent refusal of the CTA to allow the public a way to use real - time tracking of the entire CTA system or even implement it? Sure, CTA Bus Tracker is here for a couple of routes....but we all know that it won't ever be used system wide.

Sound - Off will now give the major reasons for all of this ugly non-sense:

*Supervisors doing anything but what they are supposed to be out on the system doing.
Example: Socializing, Drinking, Shopping, Hanging out at restaurants, using CTA Supervisor vehicles for personal errands and other personal travel (visiting family, friends,
picking the kids up from school, meeting one's husband/wife/domestic partner at
pre-arranged locations, and the list goes on.

*Due to any combination of the above, supervisor's paperwork is falsified. We have to state here
that not all supervisors participate in this horse manure, but the one's who do, outnumber the
working supervisors who play it straight.

*Money given to the CTA by the Regional Transportation Authority, the feds, the collection of
fares, and other sources of revenue which are MANDATED to be used for improvement in this
area have gone unaccounted for. On paper it's accounted for, but it's actually just reasonably
believable yet dishonest accounting double speak and manipulative mathematics.
Hey, Frank! How many posh vacations have you gone on? How many expensive personal
expenditures have you made that just would not be explained by your salary?

For those that don't know yet....the CTA has "full-time" rail car repairer positions open, Bus
Mechanic positions slated as part time, and many more waiting to be posted to the public.

The CTA just spent untold amounts of money on art, and have enough proublems for decades to come with paying their employees, and they can afford all this?

Going In Circles

September 26, 27, and 28, open and informal meetings were held for anyone who wished to attend in regards to the planning of what is dubbed the "Circle Line". Under the proposal and plan for this project, the CTA would construct a new rail line to connect riders to Metra service and many other points of heavy travel.

We are suspicious of where this may lead to because of all the drama CTA has initiated to gain federal funds that were denied. Suspicion also rests on CTA's internal promise unbeknown to you, the public, to raise fares even more. Further suspicion goes to the CTA being tight lipped about how funding for the Circle Line is being obtained and where it's coming from.

Are they going to use this as a chance to bump full - time employees to part time status? Is it going to be used as a hiring blitz when they can't even pay the employees they have now?
Sweetheart deals with aldercreatures and the ATU? The possibilities of numerous deceptive practices abound in one's imagination.

See the links to the right for all the information you can stand about plans for this new and improved service. New and Improved? We're laughing so hard that a favorite drink just sprayed across the room!

Update: October 07, 2006

On Friday, October 06, Sound-Off spoke with a CTA employee and then spoke to others at the CTA. What we found was not surprising! Facts being what they are, it was discovered that NO ONE knows anything about the "Circle Line". No one has even heard of it or heard about plans for the "Circle Line".

Light Posting, Open Comments, Coming Soon.....

Sound-Off has been away due to events beyond our control.

Use this as a place to post CTA related comments while new posts are being developed, and they ARE developing!

While Sound-Off has been away, we have been looking at new possibilities for site design and updates of various kinds to enhance your experience.

Coming soon.....

A new page design, new links, new topics, and much more as implementation works out.